Monday, March 14, 2011

Bi Rite Creamery

As a Food Network lover, I always take their recommendations on what new places to try. This artisanal ice cream shop, associated with the small market across the street, seemed like a wonderful next foodie adventure. 

Walking down 18th, make sure you stop by both the main entrance to the creamery and the smaller window that serves one flavor of soft-serve per day. Sunday was Salted Caramel and Chocolate -- a fantastic flavor with just the right hint of salt and creamy texture. Next time I go, I am getting the two flavors swirled. 

Inside the main store, there is a large menu board and a number of ice cream choices in a display case below. Each flavor with its own uniqueness and displayed in a fashion similar to gelato, I wanted to try them all. 

However, I went with my Food Network recommendation and selected the "Sam's Sundae" -- a bowl of chocolate ice cream with bergamot olive oil and maldon sea salt. When I first heard about it, I figured something like this must be the kind of sundae some hipster restaurant chef thought up, but it has received raving reviews. And, from the description, the flavors seemed to all complement each other - similar to black pepper and balsamic vinegar with strawberries.

All in all, I was certainly not impressed. Separately these flavors would have shined or even just the chocolate ice cream with sea salt would have been an excellent combination. Yet, I was left with an awkward taste in my mouth that lingered until the next morning (still to be decided if it was the lack of whipped cream or the excessive amounts of olive oil that pushed it over the edge.) And for the price ($5.50), I would have hoped to receive more than two scoops of ice cream.

Next time I visit (yes there will be a next time), I would love to try one of their other innovative flavors -- ranging from balsamic strawberry and honey lavender to mexican chocolate with peanuts and brown sugar with a caramel swirl.

Bi Rite Website

On the Food Network Show, The Best Thing I Ever Ate: Sugar Rush, Aida Mollenkamp described Sam's Sundae as her favorite sugar rush

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