Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When in London...

Hello Foodie Followers!

I am back from my amazing adventure through Europe this summer and have returned with much advice on what/where to eat when touring Europe's most fabulous cities! Starting with London....

When in London, I would suggest dining at places that serve more than just typical English "pub fare." Food stereotypically thought of as having an English origin tends to be hearty pub food, which is great, but that's not all that London has to offer! With a large Indian population in England, London has some great Indian food -- curry is virtually a British instiution and it isn't that difficult to find an Indian restaurant wandering the streets of London.

Another amazing culinary find in London is the Borough Market.  A wholesale and retail food market in Southwark, the Borough Market is the best place to engage with locals and get a taste of London. On the weekends, the Market draws organic farmers, artisanal producers, world-class bakers, and gourmet food importers from all over the world. The best stand (in my opinion) to get in the queue for is Kappacasein, which brings in a large crowd with their Toasted Cheese Sandwiches. Poilane Sourdough bread stuffed full with Montgomery Cheddar, Onions, Leeks, and Garlic... makes my mouth water! The stand also sells a Swiss favorite, Raclette (melted Ogleshield, New Potatoes, and Spicy Baby Gherkins). If Kappacasein doesn't make you want to fly 10 hours to the UK, I don't know what will!

Of course, this is not to say that English pub food isn't popular. Fish and Chips is a delicacy, a simple British fast food. All you need them to do is fry the fish and fry the potatoes and then serve with mashed green peas (oh, and you might want to grab a nice, traditional English ale to wash it down with). My pick for traditional English fare is the Shepherd's Pie -- creamy mashed potatoes spread over ground beef and baked. No need for gravy, just take a forkful of each ingredient and you'll understand why people have been making this same dish for decades.

And for those of you on a budget, like I was in Europe, there are definitely small cafes that know how to serve good food. These cafes are generally laid back and enjoyable places to grab a coffee and people watch, too! Each cafe we visited was very health minded and ecofriendly, definitely refreshing compared to the American equivalent of these places. Our favorite stops were Pret a Manger (they are seriously on every corner! There may be more Prets than Starbucks!), Caffe Nero, and Costa Coffee.

So, when in London, don't limit yourself to any specific cuisine -- go out and taste what the locals are eating, it may surprise you!

(Note to readers: an update from the Kappacasein stand -- it has moved locations, see website for details: Kappacasein Website)